Trampolining – Level 1

Course Details

Course Description
Attaining a Trampolining Level 1 certification will enable you to serve as an assistant coach in this particular discipline. This certification will allow you to enhance your skills in providing support to athletes across different age groups. As an assistant coach, you will have the opportunity to assist coaches at Level 2 or higher in this discipline. Additionally, you will be responsible for a group of up to 8 athletes under the supervision of the senior coach.

As a Level 1, you do not possess the certification to independently conduct classes.

Our Trampolining Level 1 course is a two-day in-person program that involves ongoing assessment throughout the duration of the course.


Course Attendees Must:

  • Be at least 14 years old
  • Hold either Club Coach or Freelance Coach membership.


101 Introduction to trampolining
102 Establishing safe practices
103 Preparing athletes for sessions
104 Proficiency award scheme
105 Coaching skills
106 Progressive practice and readiness to progress
107 Introduction to biomechanics
108 Introduction to equipment

Trampolining Skills

  • Straight jumping
  • Shaped Jumps
  • Seat landing
  • Half twist jump
  • front landing
  • back landing
  • backland 1/2 twist to fee
  • 1/2 twist to back landing
  • Front landing, ½ twist to feet
  • ½ twist to front landing
  • Full twist jump